Chinese Medicine Telehealth

In the initial appointment, Shona will ask questions and undertake a full diagnosis interview, including a discussion about what you want to achieve from treatment. This is followed by a treatment session.

In the treatment sessions Shona will demonstrate acupressure points to use as part of self-treatment, which techniques to use and if you are using moxa warming therapy, how to do this safely and effectively. Shona will then discuss dietary and lifestyle advice with you, and any herbs and supplements as part of your treatment that I may be recommended.

After the treatment Shona will email a summary of what we have discussed with full instructions tailored to your individual diagnosis. This will include dietary and lifestyle advice, Shona may prescribe moxa warming therapy or supplements, ferments and /or herbs to take at home.

The sessions take place over Zoom.

Please give 24 hours notice for cancellations, if you cancel within 24 hours, or miss your appointment, a cancellation fee may be charged.

Treatment prices

Initial consultation and treatment

$105 - 1 hour

Subsequent appointments

$55 - 30 minutes

Please contact Shona on 0424 069609 if you are interested in learning more about how telehealth Chinese medicine appointments work.